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Data Protection and Intellectual Property Law

Data Protection and Intellectual Property Law

The data protection and international transfer of data became one of the most substantial matters in Turkey and we advise our clients on how to become compliant with the data protection legislation and act in line with the legal obligations.

In this respect, we conduct due diligences in terms of personal data protection, determine the legitimate data processing methods for each client considering their activity field and prepare all required documents including but not limited to explicit consent letters, employment contracts, handbooks, confidentiality agreements, enlightening notifications, website notifications, cookies, data processing and destruction policies, protocols to be executed with third parties, etc. Furthermore, we come together with IT personnel of our clients during our projects and assist them for the implementation of the whole process within the IT systems of our clients. Moreover, we give data protection trainings to the executives and employees of our clients.

Our intellectual property team offers legal advice and assistance in order to help our clients benefit and protect their intellectual property rights in the most effective way. We aim to provide our Clients with reliable and prompt legal advice in accordance with our client’s needs. We provide legal services to leading local and international companies in a variety of sectors including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, chemical products, cosmetics, and IT. We assist in franchising and distribution agreements, software license agreements, technological products, social media, e-commerce, internet security, clinical research/observational studies, licensing, pricing, reimbursement, advertising, pharmacovigilance, intellectual property rights.